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A steering committee headed by Africa’s regional institutions oversees AICD. Funding is provided by a group of donors. AICD’s steering committee was chaired by the African Union and includes representatives from the African Development Bank, the New Partnership for Africa’s Development, the Development Bank of Southern Africa and Africa’s Regional Economic Communities.

Funding for AICD’s operations is provided by the Agence Française de Développement, the U.K.’s Department for International Development, the European Commission, Germany’s Kreditanstalt für Wiederaufbau, the Public-Private Infrastructure Advisory Facility. The technical work for the AICD was undertaken by the World Bank, which contributed a substantial amount of staff time to the project. Technical support for data collection and analysis was provided by the Sub-Saharan African Transport Policy Program and the Water and Sanitation Program.

Extensive peer review and quality control measures were built in to safeguard the accuracy of AICD data and analysis. Extensive quality control procedures were used to check for the accuracy of data collected in the field. A centralized team trained field consultants, supervised the collection process, performed extensive validity checks on in-coming data, and sought independent validation from sector experts knowledgeable of each country. All of the Background Papers of the AICD went through an internal process of peer review within the World Bank Group, and were extensively discussed and reviewed by the Steering Committee. At a later stage, a specially-convened Technical Advisory Panel of academics from around the world provided independent review of the studies commissioned by AICD. The panel was co-chaired by Doctor Shantayanan Devarajan (Chief Economist, Africa Region, World Bank) and Doctor Louis Kasekende (Chief Economist, African Development Bank). Panel members included Professor Adeola Adenikinju (University of Ibadan, Nigeria), Professor Emmanuelle Auriol (University of Toulouse, France), Professor Tony Gomez-Ibanez (Harvard University, USA), Mr. Cheikh Kane (Private Sector, Senegal), Professor Xinzhu Zhang (Chinese Academy of Social Sciences).


Many individuals have been involved in the development of the AICD Report. The task team leaders for the report were Vivien Foster and Cecilia Briceño-Garmendia, and the core team for the project comprised Aijaz Ahmad, Dominique Akele, Sudeshna Ghosh Banerjee, Carolina Dominguez Torres, Sophie Hans-Moevi, Elvira Morella, Nataliya Pushak, Rupa Ranganathan, Maria Shkaratan,and Karlis Smits.


This report was undertaken by the director’s office of the Department for Sustainable Development in the Africa Region of the World Bank. A number of directors oversaw the implementation of the project throughout its life, including (in chronological order) Michel Wormser, John Henry Stein (acting), and Inger Andersen.


The project team is grateful to a number of World Bank colleagues who acted as advisers on key cross-cutting aspects of the report. These include Antonio Estache, Jose Luis Irigoyen, and Jyoti Shukla, who provided advice on general infrastructure issues; Sarah Keener, who provided advice on social issues; Paul Martin, who provided advice on environmental issues; and Stephen Mink, who provided advice on rural and agricultural issues.


A technical advisory panel provided independent, external peer review on the quality of the background papers on which this report is based. The panel was cochaired by Shanta Devarajan (chief economist, Africa Region, World Bank) and Louis Kasekende (chief economist, African Development Bank), and comprised Adeola Adenikinju (professor, University of Ibadan, Nigeria), Emmanuelle Auriol (professor, University of Toulouse, France), Tony Gomez-Ibanez(professor, John F. Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University), Cheikh Kane (independent expert on infrastructure finance), and Xinzhu Zhang (professor, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, Beijing).


An editorial team comprising Bruce Ross- Larson, Steven Kennedy, and Joseph Caponio contributed significantly to improving the quality of the final manuscript submitted to the World Bank Office of the Publisher for publication.


The design and interactive web applications for the website have been created by the World Bank Institute's Learning Technologies Team. The data that is presented on the website was organized in collaboration with the World Bank's Development Data Group (DECDG) and disseminated via DECDG's Development Data Platform (DDP).

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